Thursday, December 17, 2009

Page 5

"I'm sorry, sir," Ben says feeling slightly nervous despite his giant wings and fire lightning eyes. Make the sale damn you, Ben. Don't think about it. Do it. Do it. Do it! Or be nothing!

Ben takes a moment, and adjusts his bowtie, and speaks. He's not nervous anymore. How can he be? This is what he does. What he is. I exist only for this moment, he thinks to himself, and for once this it’s not the man’s influence. All of this manipulation and subterfuge has been for nothing. Their wishes are one and the same.
"I'm sorry for calling you here on such short notice, good sir,” he begins. “It's just that I've got this idea. It's based on lightning, you see. The raw power of it. I have a theory that it can be harnessed. Now if it's true, if I could prove it that could be the start of something incredible. I think if I could figure it to do it, to prove just that. I could provide the world with something...a necessary first step. A first step toward this...this power source that will radically change the face of the world forever!” Ben's voice echoes across the world.

The man in the shadows sat Indian style upon a cloud. Hands on his knees on the floor of the cloud watching Ben with wrapped attention.

Ben grins. It's as good as sold now, Ben. Close the deal. Do it. Do it now or be nothing. Ben closes his eyes, an awwed smile on his lips, and goes on: "Sometimes in my dreams I can actually see it. One day it will power cities. Revolutionize modern medicine, and all the sciences. Fly us across oceans and let us communicate with those on the other side of the world in an instant! It will connect all the world!!! Fly us to the heavens, and beyond.…Accomplish things ones such as us cannot….even...imagine." Beneath him as he speaks the world transforms into the modern, world that you and I know. Created even as Ben describes it. Is this the power of Quatzequatel?

Page 6

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