Saturday, December 19, 2009

Table of Contents




Prologue: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Page 12

I'm still too far ahead. So I'll go back further. I haven’t introduced myself, my name is Azrael, I am an Angel of God, and I will continue to be your narrator throughout this story. It’s my pleasure to meet you few survivors who may be reading this, and my sad duty to relate to you the very true story wherein the primary obstacle is the systematic destruction of the human race at the hands of our creator the one true God.

The story revolves primarily around a teenage girl: Maya Rosa Woodrow. Named Maya for Maya Angelou (and for her Mayan heritage), and Rosa for Rosa Parks, and probably Woodrow was the name of some distant ancestor’s slaveholder, whose own ancestors were rowers of wooden boats or something like that. I don’t keep track of how mortals get their names, and I’m definitely not a genealogy buff. Some Angels are into that stuff. You should read some of Gabriel’s work if you are curious about that. He will go on and on about it. “Begat” is his favorite word. I’m getting sidetracked, and I apologize.

But Maya for the most part, never thought of it that way. She thought of it as her father's name. Her father gave her all her names in fact, as her mother couldn't give her any. She died, delivering Maya from the warm comfort of her womb, and into the cold, bony, rubber gloved fingers of some doctor working in Presbyterian Hospital that night. At least that's how I imagine it felt. It’s not really an important part of the story. I forget what Maya’s mother's name was (as had Maya, otherwise I might have it on hand [I have a tendency to get into the minds I write about, as you may note]), or why they never discussed what her name would be before she was born.

Maya speculated on this sometimes. Maybe they expected a boy. And why did she not have her mother's name? Maybe it was ridiculously stupid, and her mother insisted no child of hers ever carry the name. Perhaps: Bodeesha. (No offense to any surviving Bodeesha's out there, but I am in agreements with Maya’s thoughts that that was, and still is a very stupid name. [It is perhaps some kind of tragic miracle that someone with as stupid a name as yours survived the apocalypse. {Further disproof of Darwinism. What a silly old man, he was.}])

Anyway, the major point was that the Maya Rosa Woodrow that we are focusing on in this instance, in this specific moment in time, knew the answers to these and many other frivolous or spiritually relevant questions once, and she was not a forgetful person, either, but Maya found that the little things quickly seemed to flee from one’s mind, as the whole world goes up in flames around you.

I'm sorry. Again and again and again I jump ahead. It won't happen another time, be assured. I'll get on with it now...on with the telling of it. the day of the apocalypse.

Page 14
(skipping 13 with forethought)

Page 11

"Now listen closely to this last bit, as it's important, and then our business can be concluded. As you may or may not have known, I run a…of my own...and said city also requires power to run efficiently. So for every one who uses this new power source of yours, I'll tap in, and take a tiny bit of fuel my city. That is all I addition to your silence of course. Fair enough?"

"Deal," said Ben.

"Then shake my hand and it is sealed," said the devil. Ben released him from the wall, and reached out to shake his hand. The talons pressed into his flesh again, and this time he woke up in a cold sweat as thunder shook the room about him. Outside a powerful storm raged, and Ben smiled. He quickly snatched up a kite, an iron key, and a metal pole, and, not bothering to dress himself, walked out the door of his home without stopping to close, nor lock it.

That night, in the pouring rain, with nothing but a kite and a key, Ben Franklin, a seemingly ordinary man, single handedly called lightning down from the sky...discovering for mankind the key to harnessing electricity, and also dooming the vast majority of it to eternal hellfire.

Though to be fair to Ben, most of them had already been headed in that direction anyways.



and over 99 percent of the population of the planet earth was about to die. The Day of Judgement. The Apocalypse. Whatever you preferred to call it. It was upon the poor pitiful mortals, heretics and sinners alike. But now I'm getting ahead of myself.

There had always been a few prophets screaming about then, and I guess some of them turned out to be right, but for the most part everyone had pretty much given up on the idea of an apocalypse happening when 2000 arrived without so much as a biblical hiccup. As though the idea were ludicrous that a god could exist who counted on a different time table then humanity’s. I suppose ultimately, all the crazy old man upstairs wanted to do was catch you all off guard. And he sure as hell did that.

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Page 10

"I don’t even know who you are," Ben said calmly. "Just tell me how to see the truth, and both my gratitude and my silence will be yours. And eternally so. No one will ever know this conversation place. Not by my lips."

"No one?" the man in the shadows enquired.

"Not God Himself on Judgement's Day," Ben answered.

"Good lad...." said the man in the shadows.

Page 11

Page 9

"I'll tell you what I'll do!" the man in the shadows said firmly. "I'll give you the illuminifixation you so desire, but you'll have to step through that door on your own. I can't be involved, you see. I would hate to anger that very powerful individual standing in your way.” (The man in the shadows was talking about God, in case you hadn’t caught on.) “So this never happened. Understood? We never had this conversation."

Ben nodded.

"Say it!" hissed the man in the shadows.

"This isn't happening," Ben confirmed, a calm coming over him as he realized that it actually was. He would finally know.

"Right," said the man in the shadows. "Now I've to speak by those I've worked with in the past. Betrayal is such an ugly thing! And I haven't appreciated that one bit. So understand this. All I am doing here is giving you the power to make your own decision. When all is said and done I want to know that
you will take responsibility for yourself.

This is your decision. Your accomplishment. Right?"

Page 10

Page 8

Ben gulped, and said: "I'll do anything. This thing that I've envisioned...this innovation...this future for the's mine! I have it in my head! I know I do! To give mankind this gift before I die! It's mine! It's me! And I intend to do it! And I won't let anyone take that from me! Not God himself!"

“Really? And what if God were to take you up on that threat?”

“With all due respect, sir. I don’t want to talk about God right now. What we’re talking about is so much bigger…than God.”

The man in the shadows laughed. “Oh you know how to make a sale Mr. Franklin. Now I feel like I’m the one being manipulated. But you still haven’t answered my question Mr. Franklin. How far will you go?"

"I would sell my soul to the devil, if that's what it came to." Ben said calmly. And a chill rolled down his spine as he both said it, and realized that it was true.

The man in the shadows let out a friendly chuckle at that, and said: "Well...hopefully it won't come to that."

"Hopefully not," Ben replied, his eyes wide open. Still holding the man there, against the wall. He'd take it from him. Take it by force if he had to.

Page 9

Page 7

He rises from the chair, and it's gone. Just him and the man now standing face to face. Two men in a cave. "I feel like I should know! Like it should be obvious to me! But everytime I think suddenly something's in the way! Blocking me! Preventing my mind from adding two and two!

“Sir. I exist for this one thing. Just this one thing. It's all I have...all I am...and I will do it."

The man in the shadows nodded his head slowly, and then said "Then what you enlightenment...yes?"

"Yes!" Ben shouted, grabbing the lapels of the man's suit, and slamming him into the wall of the cave. He'd never been a violent man. But he if he might kill this man in the shadows right now…just crack his skull open and drink whatever was within, if it might somehow lead to an answer.

"That's exactly it!" He shouts into the man's face. "Enlightenment!!! And you can give it to me can't you! You know what's doing this to me! What's keeping me away from the knowledge
that's rightfully mine!"

The man in the shadows nods again, looking almost frightened perhaps although it’s hard to tell in all this dark, and says: "Not what's...Whom's. There is a very powerful someone, standing in the way of your epiphany...Mr. Edison. You have a very very powerful enemy, whose animosity grows toward you every day, every moment that you take a step closer to your destiny. The question you have to ask yourself now is: How far...are you willing to go...Mr. Franklin."

Page 8

Page 6

He opens his eyes, and remains silent watching the world beneath him he will one day create. He smiles upon it. Any sacrifice he can make to create this he will make. He doesn’t care. This is all he wants.

"Good God, Mr Franklin!" Exclaims the man in the shadows, obviously impressed. "You are a truly revolutionary thinker! It sounds like a simply wondrous idea! The obvious question, though...What do you want with me…Mr. Franklin?"

There’s a long silence. Ben doesn’t know what to say. How can he?
"I'd be more than happy to make a financial investment in such a thing...if that's what you're after."

"Well..." Ben said, speaking slowly, looking up into the man's shaded face where he imagined his eyes…or...the lack of thereof…would be. The room has shifted back to the normal, and even the tense has shifted back to the past. Ben is back in his too comfortable red satin chair "The thing of it is...I have no idea how to do it. It's like there's this block in my mind, as if something...within me. No. No, not within me, definitely preventing me from decyphering...the solution...of how. How do I do this!"

Page 7

Page 5

"I'm sorry, sir," Ben says feeling slightly nervous despite his giant wings and fire lightning eyes. Make the sale damn you, Ben. Don't think about it. Do it. Do it. Do it! Or be nothing!

Ben takes a moment, and adjusts his bowtie, and speaks. He's not nervous anymore. How can he be? This is what he does. What he is. I exist only for this moment, he thinks to himself, and for once this it’s not the man’s influence. All of this manipulation and subterfuge has been for nothing. Their wishes are one and the same.
"I'm sorry for calling you here on such short notice, good sir,” he begins. “It's just that I've got this idea. It's based on lightning, you see. The raw power of it. I have a theory that it can be harnessed. Now if it's true, if I could prove it that could be the start of something incredible. I think if I could figure it to do it, to prove just that. I could provide the world with something...a necessary first step. A first step toward this...this power source that will radically change the face of the world forever!” Ben's voice echoes across the world.

The man in the shadows sat Indian style upon a cloud. Hands on his knees on the floor of the cloud watching Ben with wrapped attention.

Ben grins. It's as good as sold now, Ben. Close the deal. Do it. Do it now or be nothing. Ben closes his eyes, an awwed smile on his lips, and goes on: "Sometimes in my dreams I can actually see it. One day it will power cities. Revolutionize modern medicine, and all the sciences. Fly us across oceans and let us communicate with those on the other side of the world in an instant! It will connect all the world!!! Fly us to the heavens, and beyond.…Accomplish things ones such as us cannot….even...imagine." Beneath him as he speaks the world transforms into the modern, world that you and I know. Created even as Ben describes it. Is this the power of Quatzequatel?

Page 6

Page 4

“This is fun!” Ben shouts.

“Isn’t it though!” replies the man.

And they fly back in time to Mexico in the days of old, and looked down at the tiny brown men with spears and loincloths.

“I’m Quatzequatel!” shrieked Ben, as he fired giant fiery lightning bolts from his eyes, and fried the poor terrified men beneath him, sending others scattering. “Go worship and make sacrifices to me! The end of your days is coming, savages!” he cries out laughing madly.

The man in the shadows made now of golden flames joins in the fun. “And I’m Kinich Ahau! Worship me, and not him! Or I’ll burn this world to a crisp!” Gigantic flames shoot everywhere from the man’s crotch lighting the land and the remaining people ablaze.

And for awhile they fly around like that incinerating and terrifying everyone they find. This is unusual behavior for Ben, who is a man who respects life, but it’s just a dream after all, isn’t it?

"And what was it that you wanted from me?” The man finally asks. “Speak quickly, son. As though pretending I were a busy man."

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Page 3

But he was interrupted. "I can't begin to tell you how extraordinary it is to meet you..." the man whispers into Ben's ear.

He's behind Ben now. And the tense has shifted. No idea how he got there. No idea how he did that. He’s only a character in the story and he’s shifted the tense!
His hands are on Ben's shoulders grinding him into that too comfortable red satin chair. His fingers are grinding into Ben’s flesh. They’re like claws, but somehow it’s comfortable. How is that? This story doesn’t make sense. I want to stop telling it now, but for some reason I can’t. Can you stop reading? Try it. I bet you can’t do that either. This is the power of the man in the shadows. (He’s the Devil in case you hadn’t figured it out. Ben should have figured it out by now, but he’s never been very superstitious, which will be his greatest achievement and greater still downfall. So you kept reading shame on you. No it’s not your fault. You couldn’t help, you and I are under his spell as much as Ben is.

"Great things are going to come from you, son! My son! My grand son! My grandest grandson! My most grandiose of all my grandest grandchildren!” Ben barely registers the dig about his weight. The man’s words are like a spell. And his digging clawing fingers are magic as well. No, not fingers anymore…just talons. “Truly great things! Ah what a destiny!" They are on the tip of mountain now overlooking the most magnificent mountain. The Devil’s voice, I mean the man’s voice (so far as Ben knows) echoes madly down the mountain, shaking the ocean beneath creating massive tidal waves below. And the man in the shadows is still entirely hidden in shadow, despite the fact that there are none. It’s not real of course. It can’t be, can it? But it looks so real. “We are real men, Ben! This is what real men do!”

And they leap from the mountain, and we leap with them, and they fly through the air with their fists out in front of them. Like Superman before there even is such a thing! The man is encompassed in brilliant golden flames, and Ben grows giant magnificent wings.

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Page 2

"Tom, right? No no, that's not it. I'm sorry son. I seem to have forgotten your name. "It's Ben, sir," said Ben. "Ben Franklin." He shifted a little in the too comfortable red satin chair that had been offered to some point that he could not remember. And he waited for a reply.

"Ah right... Mr. Franklin what can I do for y- OH!!!" The man in the shadows is hopping up and down now, like a wild beast. "Oh! Ben Franklin! Of course! I see it now! Yes! How utterly foolish of me! What a putrid, puerile, putrile buffoon I am! I should throw myself upon my sword if I had one!" he shouts landing on the ground after a final bounce. And he instantly regains his composure. A smirking statue again. “Really, I should give my mother a smack for not raising that right…that is if…she were ever around, and my father, well I should treat him even the worser. This is so embarrassing. Really. It’s ironical is what it is. Perhaps even subironical, and iridescentrifical."

Ben found himself rolling his eyes slightly. The man in the shadows slapped a desk that was suddenly between them, and they were closer together now weren’t they? Ben’s eyes snapped back to meet the man’s.

“I think I shouldn’t be here. I should be going,” Ben began, and correctly so.

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with his arms behind his back. He was motionless, like a confident smirking statue. Though Ben couldn't see the man's eyes in the darkness, he felt them. Searing into him.

"Hello," said the man, his chin barely moving as he spoke.

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