Thursday, December 17, 2009

Page 4

“This is fun!” Ben shouts.

“Isn’t it though!” replies the man.

And they fly back in time to Mexico in the days of old, and looked down at the tiny brown men with spears and loincloths.

“I’m Quatzequatel!” shrieked Ben, as he fired giant fiery lightning bolts from his eyes, and fried the poor terrified men beneath him, sending others scattering. “Go worship and make sacrifices to me! The end of your days is coming, savages!” he cries out laughing madly.

The man in the shadows made now of golden flames joins in the fun. “And I’m Kinich Ahau! Worship me, and not him! Or I’ll burn this world to a crisp!” Gigantic flames shoot everywhere from the man’s crotch lighting the land and the remaining people ablaze.

And for awhile they fly around like that incinerating and terrifying everyone they find. This is unusual behavior for Ben, who is a man who respects life, but it’s just a dream after all, isn’t it?

"And what was it that you wanted from me?” The man finally asks. “Speak quickly, son. As though pretending I were a busy man."

Page 5

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